I don't really know how many of these fit the perimeters of the assignment, and some may be recycled from other project ideas, but could fit this class better somehow.
Concept #1: Relationship Guide FlowchartsCommunication is always a key factor in relationships between any persons in a community, whether it be family, friends, or partners. Sometimes communication between parties can break down, resulting in arguing that can often be about recurring issues that never seem to get solved. People in relationships can often feel lost and don't know where to turn for help; it may not be serious enough for professional help, but the relationship is starting to weaken and could deteriorate if nothing is done.
The idea is to, through a comprehensive packaging identity and information graphics, guide couples through some common relationship issues, such as commitment, finance, parenting, and compromise, in the privacy of their own homes. This is meant to be an honest, sincere effort to open the lines of communication between partners and help them deal with their situations in a healthy, logical manner, not a humorous Cosmo article about 'How to Tame Your Man'.
- folding flowcharts that lead the couple through their situation or problem and are separated by topic
- tools to help set the mood to ease the couple through the stress of the problem, including candles, candy, MadLib-type love notes, and other fun activities
- packaging, logo, type treatment
- promotional materials, including store display, TV and/or internet ad, etc.
Audience Research
- talk to couples or people that are in relationships and find out what their most common relationship issues are
- make a survey that delves deeper into the reasons behind why people argue and yell instead of rationally work through their issues to come to a more thorough understanding of each other
- find couples that have been married or together for longer than 25 years and ask what they think has made their relationship so strong and advice they would give to younger couples
Concept #2: Video Arcade Revival
Video games have become a huge part of our cultural vocabulary since the 1970s with the release of the first video arcade systems and eventually the invention of the home gaming system. However, since video games have moved inside to the privacy of our own homes, we have lost some of those personal connections to other players we once had in the thriving video arcades of the 1980s. It used to be an exciting experience to go to an arcade with your friends and try and beat the high score; now with modern technology, this is done over the internet incorporated into our home gaming systems and we no longer physically high-five the person watching us battle aliens or defend territories through warfare.
The idea is to get people excited about video game arcades again by reminding people of why we began going there in the first place: to interact with other players and experience the lights, sounds, and general whimsey of the arcade experience. The form would be in an informational research piece containing graphics that remind the viewer of the gaming culture from the arcade period that describes the rise and decline of the arcade, what the current state of the arcade industry is at, collectors, and what can be done to get this experience back into our cultural vocabulary once again.
- interactive informational booklet about the arcade industry; many charts, graphs, folding/sliding elements, etc.
- ad campaign that promotes supporting your local arcade, including billboards, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, etc.
Audience Research
- go to several video arcades around the area and document the experience to understand the people that are attracted arcades
- survey people to find out how much they remember arcades, how valuable that experience was, if they miss it, etc. to know whether this is something people are interested in reviving
Concept #3: Stuffed Animal Recovery Project
As a child, my mother would get my sister and I a stuffed animal for seemingly every occasion: Christmas, Easter, Valentines' Day, you name it, my mom gave us a furry creature. This has resulted in an enormous collection of perfectly snuggly stuffed friends that have been long forgotten in my and my sister's minds but could mean something amazing for a child that does not have something to comfort them in times of distress or to tell their innermost secrets to.
The idea is to start a "stuffed animal recovery project", referencing the noble acts of other rescue organizations of animals and people. Researching of various organizations that work with children and take donations of stuffed animals would be required to build a comprehensive list of the people this project intends to help, showing the community that these stuffed friends will go to local sources and you know exactly where your donation ends up. Representatives would collect stuffed animals door-to-door or have designated collection sites where the stuffed animals could be dropped off. Another effective way to persuade people to donate is to provide materials that show where the materials for this object has come from and where it will end up if not given to a child who needs it. This campaign would help raise awareness of many organizations that are trying to help children, whether it be medically, mentally, or through family crises and help recycle something that often gets discarded or kept away in an attic or basement, to never be used again.
- campaign identity, including logo, type treatment, etc.
- collection bin and staff uniform designs
- awareness materials promoting the recycling of stuffed animals and the organizations it helps, as well as showing people where the stuffed toys came from and where they will end up if not donated
Audience Research
- generate memories in people by asking about their first or favorite stuffed animal as a child and how having this object did or didn't effect their lives; how important is this 'first' or comfort for every child?
- find out about other stuffed toy recycling projects and try to connect with them; can this become a nation- or even world-wide effort?
I hope these ideas are interesting and can generate the kind of project we're aiming for! I look forward to discussing and selecting a topic to get started on.