
reading response #14

"Clients" from How to be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy

I was taken aback at first when Shaugnessy says he enjoys difficult clients. He even goes as far to say that without demanding clients, there is no good graphic design. I find this to be a very interesting statement. Does this mean that designers cannot come up with amazing design on their own? Are we doomed to be at the mercy of our clients? 

Let's hope they're not all like this...

Shaughnessy gives some good tips for letting clients know how you feel about designs without being rude. Telling them that you can work with their former logo/design but that you'd like to offer some alternatives is gentle, and the suggestion is better than outright demanding your design will be better. He also goes through a lot of ways of keeping your clients after you've got them, like letting them know you're available and talk about future projects that you have ideas for, as well has how to get rid of some of those clients you just can't handle anymore and making sure you wrap up all loose ends with them like money and work received. 

Shaughnessy hates PowerPoint. I happen to disagree. I've actually made some great PP presentations that don't look like they were made in it at all. As long as you don't use star wipes and fade transitions and don't use the themes, you can make it look awesome.

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